Into the New …

I would have to say that I am never lacking for anything productive to do, even unproductive for that matter. With my training business, biodynamic garden business, my dogs, my kids, and our daily going-ons , life is full.

But I have been wanting a change, and I think I have chosen to take our lives as we currently know them and toss them upside down, backwards, and then right side up again. Hopefully we won’t be too dizzy when we finally hit ground again.

We are moving to a small urban farm, and we will be renovating from top to bottom, for a good long while. The potential is there, you can feel it, it is just going to take getting in there and doing it. From gardens to pastures to house to out buildings, it all needs a lot of work, some demo type stuff, and some, well a lot of freakin’ TLC.

I want my training business both indoor/outdoor once again, and a larger garden, orchard, and herb area. So many ideas and now space to make them real!

My first wedding gift was a chain saw, it has seem some cool projects over the past 24 years, but none as big as this.

Last night the adventure began, for real. We had 30 sheep delivered to our pastures, around 9pm, in the rain, and their only job for the next month is to eat, drink, and eat some more. As is with all of our properties in the past, we prefer mother nature doing the majority of all of the work.

They will munch down everything that has been growing for the past decade, grasses, leafy spurge, thistle, sticky vines, all of it sans cheat grass, that we will hand pull later on.

So, here we go … the next chapter – Nancy


24 Comments Add yours

  1. Casper O' Hane says:

    Oh my! That is exactly what I want to do someday. I bet the dogs will spend many enriching hours learning to herd sheep.

  2. jehumiston says:

    Nice! I did the same thing 5 years ago. And just so you know, the sheep won’t eat the thistles. : )

    1. Casper O' Hane says:

      I’ll send you a couple dozen rabbits; they eat thistle. 😉

    2. Nancy Tanner says:

      they seem to be doing a nice job so far, canada thistle mostly – but we were told they won’t touch cheatgrass – and that we have a large section of …

  3. Lisa says:

    Oh my this is so wonderful…I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you all will do.

  4. Nikki Brown says:

    Here’s to many new and wonderfilled adventures!

  5. syd says:

    So exciting! Congratulations! : )

    1. Nancy Tanner says:

      It is exciting, so long in the imagination and now it has come real – thank you ❤

  6. freshpuppy says:

    So exciting! Congratulations Nancy! : )

  7. Teresa says:

    Those are some happy grazing sheep ~ Your strength and courage are remarkable, there are no task too great for you and Tom.

  8. Katherine Howe says:

    You and Spore are amazing. What a grand a Adventure. And sheep already…wow…so much to think about there. We’re off to Seeley Lake camping…back Friday so we’ll miss morning classes. I’ll try to get us over for Sunday play group. Have a great week planning, dreaming and doing!

    Sent from my iPad


    1. Lisa L says:

      Amazing! I can’t wait see it! Let us know if you’re doing any work parties.

    2. Nancy Tanner says:

      ❤ – have fun camping – we will have to have a sibling herding day!!!

  9. petra says:

    That makes me breath deeply and only think -YES!
    (Will be a dream of me, all the time)

    1. Nancy Tanner says:

      ❤ – it has been a long time in our imaginations – not it is coming real – Nancy

  10. tippysmom2 says:

    Congratulations on stepping out into a new adventure! Sometimes, that first step is the hardest. I love the view you have from the sheep pasture.

  11. Julia says:

    How wonderful! I’m only a little envious! Some day I may get back to my roots as a farmer’s daughter!

    1. Nancy Tanner says:

      this has been a while in the making … ❤

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