My Story

The when of death is not in our hands, it is unknown to us, but all the same unalterable.

Story lived a spectacular life, and died on his own terms, on the farm I had promised him many years ago.

From the day he came home to us until the moment of his death, and all the years in between, he never complained, not one single day. There was an easiness about him, and acceptance of whatever the day held, even on the day he died.

Story had so many qualities that made him who he was, remarkable. I can’t even count how many times I would look at him, standing in his power, and feel overwhelmed and grateful that we were walking this planet together.

I waited five years for a Ross Line Border Collie, the very definition of the original Highland dog. Every year I would call and every year I was told no because I wasn’t a working ranch. And then I went to meet Story in the turkey coop where he was born, and we were the perfect fit, undeniable, and so started our journey.

He was true, deeply honest, he had integrity up one side and down the other, he was power, raw power, he had try, talent, handsome beyond words, and was the most benevolent being on this planet that I have ever known.

But I think most of all, he was comfortable in his own skin. He stood firmly on this earth in every way, knowing who he was, unflappable to whatever came along, and not once did he show anything but kindness.

We shared fifteen years together, years of doing a lot of things and having a lot of adventures, exploring mountain ranges, and walking down countless dirt roads together, maybe one of our favorite things to do together.

He helped raise every dog we brought into our home, and most likely my kids as well.

He worked alongside me helping other dogs to trust again, to see the world through his eyes, and savor every single moment. In truth he did all of the work, I just stood back and watched the magic happen, over and over.

He was on national TV before he was one and half years old, and earned his first $25,000 before I had earned mine. He had photo shoots, demo’s all over the country, and sponsors that lavished him with food, toys, beds, and fancy swarovski crystal collars. He actually was a Rock Star, and I had the honor of taking care of him and calling him My Story.

Our life was in the mountains though, it was simple and real, and that is where we spent most of our time, maybe that was our true office, where we went to figure everything out, and just be. I don’t know but it always felt right.

As always, I love you Story …

20 Comments Add yours

  1. Ruth Barfield says:

    Wishing you Blessings and Peace.

  2. Ella-Kate says:

    Oh Nancy, I am so sorry. Story will leave a huge hole for sure. Understatement of the year, I know. I wish I had your elegant words and knew what to say to make things a little bit better, but I don’t. So I’m sending you a hug for all of the loss you are feeling and have felt this winter. I am sorry.

  3. CJ says:

    Such a lot of heartbreak for you to bear in such a short time. Through your writing and videos we shared a small portion of his Story, and now we grieve with you.

  4. C McCullough says:

    I’m so very sorry to hear about your loss, Nancy. Story was indeed a remarkable dog and he definitely lead an amazing life . We can only consider ourselves lucky that we get a chance to live along side these amazing dogs. Big hugs from me to you and your family

    Sent from my iPhone


    1. Nancy Fisher says:

      The book of story will last forever
      What a wonderful dog.

  5. Kristy Bly says:

    I have been thinking about you and Story. I woke up and saw this beautiful tribute, shedding tears reading the line “… died on his on terms, on the farm I had promised him many years ago.” What a gift, Nancy. What a gift you were to one another. May his story forever live on.

    Big, big love to you and your family,

    Kristy xoxoxo

  6. Robin “Cat” Billau says:

    A beautiful tribute for a stellar gentleman. Training with Shep, you and Story was a joyful part of my life.

    Robin “Cat” Billau


  7. Nancy says:

    I’m so sorry, Nancy, on the loss of your Story. He was a kind and magnificent boy.

  8. Teresa says:

    He would be humbled by your words, the journey you shared was extraordinary. Your family remains in my thoughts and prayers

  9. Mickey Maynard says:

    Oh Nancy, I just read about Story. My heart is hurting for you and your family. So many awesome years with all of you. Any animal is very lucky indeed to live with you and your family.

    I’m making some banana bread. May I bread some over to you?

    Love you and Hugs. Mickey Sent from my iPhone


  10. Dari Shane says:

    My heart is breaking for you. I know how much Story meant to you. You were both lucky to have each other in your lives.
    Your words have honored him well. He is forever with you in your heart and memories.
    Much love,

  11. Judy Schaap says:

    Sitting here in tears as I think about puppy Story, toddler Story, goofball adolescent Story, young adult Story and realizing that he will forever stay just that in my mind as I didn’t see him as he aged. My strongest memories are how he made other dogs feel comfortable as he most surely loved being ALL DOG and wanted them to as well. Then there was watching him do tricks. You want me to do that? YES, I can do that faster, more remarkably and with more style than you’ve ever seen TaDa!

  12. tippysmom2 says:

    So sorry for your loss. Your words are an elegant memorial to a live well lived. Hugs to you from me and Tippy.

  13. Christopher D Meyer says:

    I am so sorry to hear that Story has crossed the river, but I know he had a wonderful life with you. when I saw him, he was invariably calm, kind and gentle, and also quite beautiful, and my heart would fill when he came over to say hello to Whiskey. it was also a joy to see him on your farm, quietly drinking in the light and big spaces. I will miss him.

  14. marrin47 says:

    So very sorry, Nancy, I feel proud to have met this Rock Star. What a sweet, sweet soul. Safe journey across the rainbow bridge.

  15. Mélanie Cleland says:

    Thank you Nancy for sharing “your Story “
    My sincere sympathies
    Melanie xo

  16. Lisa Wisdom says:

    Story’s grace is how I found you. One Treibball video and I was hooked and continued to watch, read and learn from both of you. I feel so honored to have met Story and actually run my finger through his fur, it was so amazing to me, like meeting a movie star…May your star shine bright Story! ♥️

  17. Steve Stowers says:

    Really sorry for your loss. A year ago I lost my first Aussie who meant the same to me as Story did to you so I can empathize with the loss you feel. Difficult though it may be we have to remind ourselves at a time like this how privileged we were to be able to share our lives with such amazing creatures.

  18. Sheri L Conrad says:

    A life well lived! So sorry for your loss! 😦

  19. Pam Perry says:

    I read this story since the day you wrote it and tear up every time. Thanks always Nancy for your wisdom and deep gratitude of and for the lives of our dogs who we cherish.

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