Canine Resource Guarding

Canine Resource Guarding refers to a dog that guards a resource, anything the dog perceives as valuable or important, from other dogs or people. Is this normal behavior? Yes and no. All mammals guard, us included. It is primal and ensures survival. Where it enters the not so normal zone is when it was accidentally…

Open Communication

Communication with your dog isn’t as simple as you talking and hoping your dog listens. Communication where you connect with your dog and your dog connects with you, and there is an understanding where you are working together, is what I refer to as open communication. Sometimes it is words, but most of the time…

I don’t train husbands …

For nearly two decades now, not a week goes by where I am asked to help with a husbands behavior. And my answer has always been, I don’t train husbands. For a good reason, but I’ll get to that in a minute! My training business is surprisingly more men then women. I never really took…

Yesterday I learned something new

Censorship has hit the USA … again. This seems to be part of our history when someone in power is threatened by ‘other voices’, most of the time voices of reason, voices of common sense, and voices that challenge the narrative or lies being told. Someone in power doesn’t even have to be a person…

My Complicated Relationship with Veterinarians

I have been wanting to put these thoughts on paper for some time. However this plays out, it is simply as organized as I could make it, truly it is complicated and not so straight forward. FIRSTLY I am a Small Business Owner and a Certified Professional Trainer. My business is mine, legally, ethically, and…

Canine Immaculate Conception 2018

Our first litter – So Rhumbs pregnancy and subsequent whelping earlier this year on Valentines is still so fresh in my mind. It was very planned, very wanted, and a tender trap of sorts, five months of maternal bliss with Rhumb. Watching Rhumb go from Maiden to Mother was incredible, eye opening, so deeply instinctual,…

My Christmas Letter 2018

I have no long punch list of going-ons this year. No school this, kids that, vacations anything. We bought a giant disaster of a property in 2018. The End. Our new property has been referred to as dysfunctional, neglected, a giant shit hole, a burn down, a money pit, War of the Roses, kind of…

Accepting your dogs energy

It is one thing to have a dog, it is another thing to understand or gel with your dog. Good work cannot happen if there is a gap in focus, orientation, language, or intention. This is a fact. And what it comes down to is accepting your dogs energy. In other words it is learning…

Fast Food and Electronic Collars – they are kind of the same thing

I don’t use electronic shock collars. I have never had a need to use electronic shock collars. I think electronic shock collars are unethical and abusive. I believe if you have a dog you should also have the time to work with your dog and build a working relationship. The only thing that interests me…